A student sosciety - lead project based at the University of Edinburgh focusing on the development of Hyperloop.
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My fascination with games started from a very young age, specifically at 4.
While I was practicing with 3D modeling as well as the Unity 3D game engine, I was approached by a Discord team on a Facebook Group with an invitation to join as an artist. I happily accepted.
While I was part of the team of 9 members, I met people from around the globe. Everyone had different skill sets while I took the role of a 3D artist.
The project ended up being more of a hobby than a primary job, so we all were volunteers and working on the project in our spare time. During that time, I managed to create a human character as well as ammo boxes, however, the project has been quiet for the last year.
Of course, this sparked a small interest in game development, specifically for mobile phones, which I am also keen to spend my spare time building small games.